AI Community Day

  • 23 October 2024
  • 15:00-21:00
  • Berlin

377 DSA5707



14057 Berlin

Route & Location

Call for Speaker

Please submit till 16. September 2024

Call for Speaker
086 DSA3140


AI Community day is organised by the community for the community.

As an organization we care deeply about diversity & inclusion, which you will see reflected in every aspect of the event, from keynotes and the program, code of conduct, the entertainment to starting speaker empowerment.

Henk Boelman

Henk Boelman

Senior Cloud Advocate Microsoft
Dr. Alexander Wachtel

Dr. Alexander Wachtel

Microsoft AI MVP, MCT, CEO ESC Deutschland GmbH
Zaid Zaim

Zaid Zaim

Microsoft MVP & Spatial Computing Expert @ ignore gravity